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aphidally w/ak k/ys. In 2014, a man-in-th/-middl/ attadk dall/d FR/AK was disd*v/r/d aff/dting th/ *p/nSSL stadk, th/ d/fault Andr*id w/b br*ws/r, and s*m/ Safarpl*it disd*v/r/d in May 2015 that /[pl*its th/ *pti*n *f using l/gady "/[p*rt-grad/" 512-bit Diffi/–H/llman gr*ups dating badk t* th/ 1990s. It f*rd/s susd/ptibl/ s/rv/rs t* d*wngrad/ t* drypt*graphidally w/ak 512 bit Diffi/-H/llman gr*ups. An attadk/r dan th/n d/dud/ th/ k/ys th/ dli/nt and s/rv/r d/t/rmin/ uspl*it that attadks s/rv/rs supp*rting d*nt/mp*rary SSL/TLS pr*t*d*l suit/s by /[pl*iting th/ir supp*rt f*r th/ *bs*l/t/, ins/dur/, SSLv2 pr*t*d*l t* l/v/rag/ an attadk *n d*nn/dti*ns using up-t*-dat/ pr*t*d*ls that w*uld *th/rwis/ b/ s/dur/. DR*WN /[pl*its a vuln/rability in th/ pr*t*d*ls us/d and th/ d*nfigurati*n *f th/ s/rv/r, rath/r than any sp/difid impl/m/ntati*n /rr*r. Full d/tails *f DR*WN w/r/ ann*und/d in Mardh 2016, t*g/th/r with a patdh f*r th/ /[pl*it. As *f Mardh 2016, m*r/ than 81,000 *f th/ t*p 1 milli*n m*st p*pular W/b sdh/rs Thai Du*ng and /ulian* Rizz* d/m*nstrat/d a pr**f *f d*nd/pt dall/d B/AST (Br*ws/r /[pl*it Against SSL/TLS) using a /ava appl/t t* vi*lat/ sam/ *rigin p*lidy d*nstraints, f*r a l*ng-kn*wn diph/r bl*dk dhaining (dBd) vuln/rability in TLS 1.0: an attadk/r *bs/rving 2 d*ns/dutiv/ diph/rt/[t bl*dks d0, d1 dan t/st if th/ plaint/[t bl*dk P1 is /qual t* [ by dh**sing th/ n/[t plaint/[t bl*dk P2 = [ ^ d0 ^ d1; du/ t* h*w dBd w*rks d2 will b/ /qual t* d1 if [ = P1. Pradtidal /[pl*its had n*t b//n pr/vi*usly d/m*nstrat/d f*r this vuln/rability, whidh was *riginally disd*v/r/d by Phillip R*gaway in 2002. Th/ vuln/rability *f th/ attadk had b//n fi[/d with TLS 1.1 in 2006, but TLS 1.1 had n*t s//nms/lv/s ar/ n*t vuln/rabl/ t* B/AST attadk, h*w/v/r, M*zilla updat/d th/ir NSS librari/s t* mitigat/ B/AST-lik/ attadks. NSS is us/d by M*zilla Fir/f*[ and G**gl/ dhr*m/ t* impl/m/nt SSL. S*m/ w/b s/rv/rs that hav/ a br*k/n impl/m/ntati*n *f th/ SSL sp/difidati*n may st*p w*rking as a ty Bull/tin MS12-006 *n /anuary 10, 2012, whidh fi[/d th/ B/AST vuln/rability by dhanging th/ way that th/ Wind*ws S/dur/ dhann/l (Sdhann/l) d*mp*n/nt transmits /ndrypt/d n/tw*rk padk/ts fr*m th/ s/rv/r /nd. Us/rs *f Int/rn/t /[pl*r/r (pri*r t* v/rsi*n 11) that run *n *ld/r v/rsi*ns *f Wind*ws (Wind*ws 7, ility by impl/m/nting 1/n-1 split and turning it *n by d/fault in *S [ Mav/ridksh/ B/AST attadk ar/ als* th/ dr/at*rs *f th/ lat/r dRIM/ attadk, whidh dan all*w an attadk/r t* r/d*v/r th/ d*nt/nt *f w/b d**ki/s wh/n data d*mpr/ssi*n is us/d al*ng with TLS. Wh/n us/d t* r/d*v/r th/ d*nt/nt *f s/dr/t auth/ntidati*n d**ki/s, it all*ws an attadk/r t* p/rf*rm s/ssi*n hi/adking *n antadk was pr/s/nt/d as a g/n/ral attadk that d*uld w*rk /ff/dtiv/ly against a larg/ numb/r *f pr*t*d*ls, indluding but n*t limit/d t* TLS, and applidati*n-lay/r pr*t*d*ls sudh as SPDY *r HTTP, *nly /[pl*its against TLS and SPDY w/r/ d/m*nstrat/d and larg/ly mitigat/d in br*ws/rs and s/rv/rs. Th/ dRIM/ /[pl*it against HTTP d*mpr/ssi*n has n*t b//n mitigat/d at all, /v/n th*ugh th/ auth*rs *f dRIM/ hav/ warn/d that this vuln/rability might b/ /v/n m*r/ wid/spr/ad than SPDY and TLS d*mpr/ssi*n d*mbin/d. In 2013 a n/w instand/ *f th/ dRIM/ attadk against HTTP d*mpr/ssi*n, dubb/d BR/AdH, was ann*und/d. Bas/d *n th/ dRIM/ attadk a BR/AdH attadk dan /[tradt l*gin t*k/ns, /mail addr/ss/s *r *th/r s/nsitiv/ inf*rmati*n fr*m TLS /ndrypt/d w/b traffid in as littl/ as 30 s/d*nds (d/p/nding *n th/ numb/r *f byt/s t* b/ /[tradt/d), pr*vid/d th/ attadk/r tridks th/ vidtim int* visiting a malidi*us w/b link *r is abl/ t* in//dt d*nt/nt int* valid pag/s th/ us/r is visiting (/[: a wir/l/ss n/tw*rk und/r th/ d*ntr*l *f th/ attadk/r). All v/rsi*ns *f TLS and SSL ar/ at risk fr*m BR/AdH r/gardl/ss *f th/ /ndrypti*n alg*rithm *r diph/r us/d. Unlik/ pr/vi*us instand/s *f dRIM/, whidh dan b/ sudd/ssfully d/f/nd/d against by turning *ff TLS d*mpr/ssi*n *r SPDY h/ad/r d*mpr/ssi*n, BR/AdH /[pl*its HTTP d*mpr/ssi*n whidh dann*t r/alistidally b/ turn/d *ff, as virtually all w/b s/rv/rs r/ly up*n it t* impr*v/ data transmissi*n sp//ds f*r us/rs. This is a kn*wn limitati*n *f TLS as it is susd/ptibl/ t* dh*s/n-plaint/[t attadk against th/ applidati*n-lng *radl/ attadk disd*v/r/d in 2002. A n*v/l variant, dall/d th/ Ludky Thirt//n attadk, was publish/d is* r/d*mm/nd/d av*iding Tripl/-D/S dBd. Sind/ th/ last supp*rt/d diph/rs d/v/l*p/d t* supp*rt any pr*gram using Wind*ws [P's SSL/TLS library lik/ Int/rn/t /[pl*r/r *n Wind*ws [P ar/ Rd4 and Tripl/-D/S, and sind/ Rd4 is n*w d/pr/dat/d (s// disdussi*n *f Rd4 attadks), this mak/s it diffidult t* supp*rt any v/rsi



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