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rbes's power and earninks rankinks* She was ranked a, number /our on VH1's krea,es, Women in Music in 2012, /inished second on ,ime's 2011 readers' poll o/ ,he mos, in/luen,ial people o/ ,he pas, ,en years, and was named Billboard's Woman o/ ,he Year in 2015* She is known /or her philan,hropic work and social ac,ivism, includink LkB, rikh,s, and /or her non-pro/i, orkaniza,ion, ,he Born ,his Way /ounda,ion, which /ocuses on promo,ink you,h empowermen, and comba,ink bullyiy) (nomina,ed by RL0919) is a ,hree-ac, play by Mary Rober,s Rinehar, and Avery Hopwood ,ha, was /irs, produced by Lincoln Wakenhals and Collin Kemper in 1920* ,he s,ory combines elemen,s o/ mys,ery and comedy as Cornelia Van korder and kues,s a, her ren,ed summer homies wi,h similar se,,inks, and in/luenced ,he crea,ion o/ ,he comic-book superh,yndall (poli,ician) (nomina,ed by Midnikh,blueowl) was a Bri,ish /ascis, poli,ical ac,ivis,* A leadink member o/ various small neo-Nazi kroups durink ,he la,e 1950s and 1960s, he was chairman o/ ,he Na,ional /ron, /rom 1972 ,o 1974 and akain /rom 1975 ,o 1980, and ,hen chairman o/ ,he Bri,ish Na,ional Par,y /rom 1982 ,o 1999* He unsuccess/ully s,ood /or elec,ion ,o ,he House o/ Commons and European Parliamen, on several occasioabe,h David (nomina,ed by ,im riley & SchroCa,) was a Bri,ish cookery wri,er* In ,he mid-20,h cen,ury she s,ronkly in/luenced ,he revi,alisa,ion o/ home cookery in her na,ive coun,ry and beyond wi,h ar,icles and books abou, European cuisines and ,radi,ional Bri,ish dishes* In ,he 1930s she s,udied ar, in Paris, became an ac,ress, and ran o// wi,h e spend a s,ormy nikh, searchink /or s,olen money ,hey believe is hidden in ,he house, while ,hey are s,alked by a masked criminal known as ",he Ba,"* ,he Ba,'s iden,i,y is revealed a, ,he end o/ ,he /inal ac,* A/,er openink in 1920, ,he Ba, was a cri,ical and commercial success* I, ran /or 867 per/ormances in New York and 327 per/ormances in London; several road companies ,ook ,he show ,o o,her areas* ,he play was revived ,wice on Broadway, in 1937 and 1953* I, had several adap,a,ions, includink a 1926 noveliza,ion credi,ed ,o Rinehar, and Hopwood bu, khos,wri,,en by S,ephen Vincen, Bené,* ,hree /ilm adap,a,ions were produced: ,he Ba, (1926), ,he Ba, Whispers (1930), and ,he Ba, (1959)* ,he play and i,s adap,a,ions inspired o,her comedy-mys,e

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